Celebrating 25 years of business in Galena
TIN-PAN ALLEY is marking 25 years in business with its store re-opening in a new location in Galena at 303 South Commerce
Street, across from the historic post office. In true Galena tradition of years gone by, Tin Pan Alley maintains a focus on
offering an ever-changing inventory of fine antiques and collectibles.
Our quaint shop purveys a unique collection
of 1800’s antiques, increasingly difficult to find in today’s marketplace. Goods range from primitives retaining
their original finishes; to hand-crafted folk art, pottery, and Victorian toys. Additional offerings now include antique
French and European furniture and smalls. Newly added to the store is an assemblage of Mid Century Modern and Retro, along
with today’s most popular vintage garden collectibles, architectural remnants, vintage jewelry, and original works of
To expand the variety of merchandise available to buyers, dealer space and showcases are open for quality
sellers...truly making Tin Pan Alley the store in Galena with "something for everyone." Don't miss this iconic
shop -- stop in for the antiques, or just for the experience -- you never know who or what you'll find within these historic
walls. We look forward to meeting you soon!